2023-05-30 08:47

DSV to Power New Facilities with Renewable Energy

DSV is constructing two new warehouses totalling 175,000 sqm that will be powered entirely by on-site renewable energy. With more than 100,000 sqm of solar panels, DSV's new facilities in Landskrona, Sweden, will run entirely on renewable energy and be able to provide charging for trucks and other electric vehicles. Surplus energy produced will supply the local electricity grid. These facilities will be a pilot that will provide valuable learnings for future DSV logistics infrastructure.
Reducing the energy demand and reliance on fossil fuels is a prerequisite to increasing energy security and enabling companies and countries to meet their sustainability targets. To achieve this, the development of the infrastructure required to support new technologies is essential. DSV is committed to achieving net-zero CO2 emissions in 2050 and addressing the challenges of decarbonising the sector. As well as powering the facilities, DSV is building a blueprint for a solution to support electrification of road haulier services, which is critical to achieve net-zero road transportation by 2050.
With these new facilities in Landskrona, Sweden, DSV is developing state-of-the-art infrastructure that will support our operations and our partners to transition from fossil to renewable energy supply. The facilities will provide energy for charging electric vehicles and additional energy back to the local electricity grid. More than 100,000 sqm of solar panels will enable DSV to power the facility entirely with renewable energy. "The development of these pilot facilities will enable DSV to provide a fully renewable energy supply for our own operations, reducing both our direct and indirect carbon emission. This concept is a key component of DSV's decarbonisation commitment, and I am proud to see DSV building infrastructure that will support the green transition of the industry," says Jens Bjørn Andersen, Group CEO, DSV.
By installing more than 100,000 sqm of solar panels, DSV will ensure that all energy requirements for the facility will be supplied by renewable energy. The capacity of the rooftop solar park will be 14 MwP, which corresponds to the energy needed to power roughly 1,400 households for a year. The facilities will only require around 25% of the significant energy output. In addition to operating the warehouses, the remaining electricity produced from the solar panels will be stored in batteries and used for charging electric vehicles and trailers. Any excess capacity of energy will be transferred to the local electricity grid. 

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