2023-11-28 08:55

DHL Express Opens Newly Expanded Global Hub in Hong Kong

DHL Express, the world's leading international express service provider, has launched its state-of-the-art, expanded Central Asia Hub (CAH) in Hong Kong, amid fast-growing global trade in recent years. To date, the total investment for CAH has reached EUR 562 million since its establishment in 2004. This emphasizes DHL's firm belief in the growth opportunities in Asia Pacific, and commitment to developing Hong Kong as an international aviation hub.
Commitment to facilitate trade growth between Asia and the rest of the world "We believe that global trade matters, and it's here to stay. We have invested more than EUR1.8 billion into our three global hubs, demonstrating our commitment to support our customers' growth as they expand globally," said John Pearson, CEO, DHL Express. "CAH is important to our customers in Asia and globally, as it handles close to 20% of DHL Express global shipment volume. While global trade is normalizing following a pandemic boom, our investments today will improve our global and regional network, putting us in an excellent place when global trade recovers.“
"Asia is home to some of the fastest growing markets in the world. Since it was established in 2004, we have seen a continued increase in air cargo demand driven by trade between Asia and other regions, and cross-border e-commerce. Even as global trade normalizes after the pandemic, we have seen over 30 percent growth in throughput between Asia and other continents in the first three quarters of 2023 when compared with the same period in 2019, far exceeding the pre-Covid level," said Ken Lee, CEO for Asia Pacific, DHL Express. "Additionally, the strategic location of the Hub in Hong Kong opens doors to many opportunities for our customers in this region. We are confident that the expanded CAH will foster interconnectivity and underpin Asia's status as a powerhouse of global growth."
Located strategically in the heart of Asia, the CAH serves as a unique gateway to one of the fastest-growing regions in the world. DHL Express initiated the expansion of this facility to complement the launch of the Hong Kong International Airport's three-runway system, set to be completed by 2024. The expanded CAH will further underscore Hong Kong's role as an aviation center as it facilitates global trade flow and commerce.
CAH is strategically located within a four-hour flight time to major cities in Asia Pacific and the Pan-Pearl River Delta region, making its location in the city significant. DHL Express's Asia Pacific air network operates on a multi-hub strategy, supported by four hubs – CAH in Hong Kong, North Asia Hub in Shanghai, South Asia Hub in Singapore and Bangkok Hub, linking to approximately 900 DHL Express facilities in the region. The newly expanded world-class express cargo facility handles over 200 dedicated flights per week. Moreover, it is complemented by a well-established Asia air network, which supports about 690 daily flights. 

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