2024-11-12 08:59

Lufthansa Group Reports an Operating Profit of 1.3Billion Euros for The Third Quarter

The Group increased its revenue by five percent year-on-year to 10.7 billion euros (previous year: 10.3 billion euros) in the third quarter due to the higher number of flights and the revenue growth at Lufthansa Technik. This was the strongest quarter in terms of revenue in the history of the Lufthansa Group. The Group generated an operating profit (Adjusted EBIT) of 1.3 billion euros (previous year: 1.5 billion euros), resulting in an operating margin of 12.5 percent (previous year: 14.3 percent). The year-on-year decline was due to significant cost increases, particularly in fees, MRO expenses and personnel. Net profit fell to 1.1 billion euros (previous year: 1.2 billion euros).
The Lufthansa Group airlines welcomed more than 40 million guests on board their aircraft in the third quarter, an increase of six percent over the previous year. At 94 percent of available capacity (prior-year period: 88 percent), the seat load factor rose to 87 percent in the third quarter (previous year: 86 percent). In terms of the seat load factor, August was the strongest month in the company's history, with a load factor of 88 percent.
Due to the industry-wide capacity growth, average yields fell by 3.5 percent compared to the previous year, although the development in the various traffic regions was mixed: While average yields in continental traffic in the third quarter remained almost at the previous year's level (-0.4 percent), they fell significantly by 14 percent in the Asia/Pacific region. Due to the improved passenger load factor, the decline in unit revenues (RASK) was less pronounced at minus 2.7 percent. Unit costs increased by 4.5 percent compared to the previous year due to higher fees, as well as higher material and personnel costs.
Overall, the Group's passenger airlines generated an Adjusted EBIT of 1.2 billion euros in the third quarter (previous year: 1.4 billion euros). The decline in the operating profit of the passenger airlines is mainly driven by the 234 million euros decline in the result of Lufthansa Airlines. Delays in the delivery of new aircraft and the associated need to continue operating older aircraft, increased location costs, higher staff costs and expenses for compensation payments following flight irregularities had an above-average impact on the result of Lufthansa Airlines. 

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